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Show News 2013

Basset Hounds and English Golden Retrievers

Ph: 705-440-7644

Show News 2013

Dec. 31, 2013. GCH  Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose finished the year as Canada’s # 1 Basset Hound.

December 15- 18, 2013

Elora Kennel Club Club

Dec. 15, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed.

Dec 16, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed.

Dec 18, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 3rd

under Judges: Keiko Kawada

December 15- 18, 2013

Credit Valley Kennel Club Club

Dec. 15, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed.

Dec 16, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed.

Dec 17, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 2nd

under Judges: James Frederiksen

November 8 to October 10, 2013

Georgina Kennel and Obedience Club

Nov. 9, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 2nd

under Judges: Jocelyn Gagne

Oct 10, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 4th

under Judges: Michael Hill

October 18 to October 20, 2013

Elgin County Kennel Club

Oct  18, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 2nd

under Judges: Joy Lynne Huntley

Oct 19, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 4th

under Judges: Christian Gomez

October 12 to October 14, 2013

Nipissing Kennel Club

Oct  13, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 1st in the first show

under Judges: Ron Mahon

Oct 13, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 2nd in the second show

under Judges: Denise Cornelssen

Oct 14, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 2nd in the third show

under Judges: Peter Machen

Oct 14, 2013 Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 2nd in the forth show

under Judges: Fred Gordon

October 04 to October 06, 2013

Pine Ridge Kennel Club

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 2nd on the Friday

under Judges: Heather Langfeld

September 27 to September 29, 2013

Burlington Kennel & Obedience Club

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 2nd on the Friday

under Judges: Brian Taylor


September 13 to September 15, 2013

Club Canin de l’Estrie in Quebec

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 4th on the Friday and Best of Breed and a Group 4th on the Sunday.

under Judges: Robert Whitney and Elaine Whitney

August 29 to September 01, 2013

Cornwall District Kennel Club

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group 2nd on the Thursday and Best of Breed and a Group 3rd on the Sunday.

under Judges:Thomas Alexander and Michael Hill

Aug. 16-18, 2013

Thousand Island Kennel Club

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, all 3 days and a Group 2 and a Group 3 on the Friday and Sunday

under Judges: Paula Hartinger and Roger Hartinger

Aug. 3-5, 2013

Barrie Kennel Club

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed, and a Group  3 on the Saturday, and Best of Breed, and a Group 4th on the Sunday

under Judges: John Reeve-Newson (Dr) and Ekarat Sangkunakup

July 31 – Aug. 2, 2013

Muskoka District Kennel Club

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed all three days, and a Group 3 on the Thursday

under Judges: William Gunn

July 5-8, 2013

Sarnia Kennel Club

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed all 4 days, and a Group 4 on the Friday

under Judges: Patricia Cruz

June 27-29, 2013

Hamilton Kennel Club

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed all 3 days

under Judges: Brian Taylor, Franklin van der Spuy, Conny Gutierrez-Otero

This will put Ace as the #1 in the Basset Hound Breed. It is also enought breed points to give him his Grand Championship!!

June 6 – 9, 2013, 2013

Erie Shores Kennel Club

All Hound Club of Ontario Specialty

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed under Judge Mr. D. Cline

Erie Shores Kennel Club
Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed and a Group 1st under Judge Mrs. G. Morison

May 24-26, 2013

Ottawa Kennel Club

May 26

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed and a Group 4 . Under Judge Charles Olvis

April 19-21, 2013

Guelph & District Kennel Club

April 12, 2013

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed . Under Judge Len Harfield

April 13

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose takes Best of Breed . Under Judge Ricardo Torres-Simoes

April 12-14, 2013

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose gets Best of Breed, and a Group 4th on Saturday under judge Kim Ramey-Leblanc and Best of Breed and a Group 3rd on Sunday under judge Allan Brown at the Champlain Dog Club in Petawawa. Thank you to the Judges and big thanks to Colin Brownlee for another great job this weekend.

Ace Ventura Vejas Gluosniuose had another good

weekend at Wildwood Kennel Clubin Woodstock, ON.

Friday Jan. 31, 2013 –  Best of Breed, and


Judge – Sean Sheild

3 points

Thank you to Colin Brownlee for doing a great job with handling Ace at the show.