Many people ask how do I go about buying a dog from a breeder?
Well this is how it works at GoldenAsset Kennels.
First thing for you to do is….. Please do your due diligent and search the breed you are interested in.
Certain breeds are more prone to different things. We do our best to breed a very healthy happy long
living dog. But we cannot guarantee (as no one can) that one of these problem won’t show up
in your puppy/dog, if it is known to be in the breed. We try to do our best to try to eliminate problems in
the breed but we are fighting years and years of breeding.
We are only breeders… not a God or a maker of new things. To take problems out of a breed can take
many many years.
Some of these problems that can arrive are not just from the certain lines but also are from nutritional,
environmental, or are from the way the dog is bred to look.
So please talk to as many vets, and people that have the breed, many breeders….take your time in
deciding if a Golden Retriever or Basset Hound is the dog for you. Both breeds along with all the
dog breeds have certain problems that can possibly arrive……Just like when you have children. So if you
cannot deal with a problems that might arise.. please don’t purchase a dog!
Something to keep in mind…
Please don’t go from kennel to kennel in one day, this is how things spread from kennel to kennel and
how it gets into litters and then sent home with your puppy!!!
If you have to check out more then one a day because of distance etc please tell the kennel owner before
entering there premises.
WE really appreciate this. Its good to check out many breeders and different breeds just don’t do it all
in one day….. take your time… its a decision that will last 12-14 or more years….
I always have a waiting list for our next couple litters. If you decide to email me and ask about the breed or what when the next litter is due etc. I will send you the link to the puppy application. This does answer a lot of the question I will have for you.
If feel that the breed is a good fit for you and your family. We can set up so time to come and meet me but
I don’t let anyone in my kennel anymore. I have found since Covid has shut us down that not having people
in has cut down on the amount of sickness to my adult dogs. Kennel cough etc.
If it is a long drive or you are not comfortable meeting we can arrange a call if you like. To be added to the
waiting list there is a $400.00 deposit. This will be deducted from the price of the dog and is NON
People always say this part seems to take for ever….the waiting to see if the breeding took, and then the
wait to see how many, what sex, and in the basset case what the markings look like. After the pups do
arrive.. about day three of four I will post pictures on my site. I will send you an email to let you know
they have arrived. I will need a deposit to hold a puppy for you. All deposits are non-
refundable but can be transferred to another litter that is due to arrive within the next 12 months.
And again this deposit is NON refundable. I know it is exciting to thing you are going to have a new
arrival coming but please remember this is a 10 to 14 year commitment. Dogs are part of your family and you have to make sure you are willing
to devote the time and care needed to look after a pet for the rest of its life.
At about 4 weeks of age I will email you to to let you know how things are going, what days the pups will be having
their shots and what days are available for pick up days. I do have to
schedule everyone that is taking a pup from the litter. I will try and do my best to make your schedule work for me and I do expect the same in return.
Once the pups are 7 weeks old, and have had their first shot…
This is when we start the fun stuff. We get to pick your puppy!
I will be there to help you decide what pup would fit in well with your family and your activity level.
I do post individual pictures of the pups before this date and you can follow along the website to see what pups
have already been picked. At this point I will need the name you would like to register your pup with the Canadian Kennel Club.
If you are going to use a very common name, I will need a second name. if you give me a name that has already been used the
Canadian Kennel Club will put a number after the name. We don’t want that so try to pick something unique or original.
I also ask to receive final payment a day or two before pick up day. Pick up day is very busy and it is just one less thing I
have to remember. Yes…. I have chases people down my driveway because we forgot about the final payment.
E-transfers will work at this time. If you are not comfortable with e-transfers you can bring cash at time of pick up.
It’s finally here……the day you have waited for…..time to take your puppy home.
We have already set up times when you are to arrive to pick up your pup.
Please don’t be late or to early for this appointment. I do like to give everyone quality one on one time.
We then will go over all the paperwork and sign the non breeding contract and my warranty…(see
contract page for more details) I then will go over some do’s and don’t of having
a puppy and go over feeding directions and answer any other questions you might have.
……now for the best part….
I will hand over your pup to you. I then will inform you again and again … if you have any questions or
concerns in the next 10-14 years please feel free to email me or phone me anytime.
I am really not a big fan to see on some of the facebook groups that you are having a problem.
If I do come across this.. and I have. You will see in the comments I will say.. you should contact your breeder.
That is what good breeders are here for. We know the breeds we are breeding. Especially breeders that have been doing
this as long as I have.
I will also inform you that to receive a pup from GoldenAsset Kennels
I do require pictures and emails or calls…even it is just to say…
Hi, we are doing fine. Don’t forget. This was my baby before it was yours. I love every pup and really
love and want to hear how things are going.
We have taken a lot of time and consideration into the breeding program of our dogs. We breed to the
breed standard of both breeds of dogs, but we also take great efforts to breed a dog that will have a
great temperament and have a very long healthy life. We have done health testing on all our breeding
stock but even with the most extensive planning and studying of pedigrees there are no guarantees that
something won’t show up in a certain dog from many many generations back.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me.
Here is a site that I find most useful when looking up
some inherited diseases.
If you have any questions or concerns with the
above steps please email me anytime
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